Traffic Control Services
PBOT Holiday Moratorium
The PBOT Holiday Moratorium is in effect from November 18th, 2021 through January 4th, 2022. Specific areas and streets have restricted use during this time frame. Please note that work occurring between 10:00pm - 6:00am is exempt from these restrictions.
To learn more, please continue reading on the PBOT Moratorium info page by clicking here.
Important: All jobs must be scheduled by calling our Dispatch team via telephone at (503) 232-2488.
To ensure flagger and equipment availability, please provide our Dispatch team a minimum of 48 hours notice when requesting traffic control services. We provide 24-hour dispatch service for emergency jobs.
Our certified flaggers are ready for any job presented before them. All D&H flaggers are certified in the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana. Additionally, all flaggers are equipped with their own stop/slow paddle, hard hat, and reflective vest.
Schedule now by calling Dispatch.
All jobs must be scheduled by calling our Dispatch team via telephone: